Does the rise of smart grids offer data centres the ideal opportunity to rethink the role of their UPS power supplies?
Articles with DSR
Data Centre Alliance (DCA): Is Data Centre Battery Storage The Answer To Our Power Problems?
We explain how data centre battery storage has a pivotal part to play in balancing the nation’s future electricity needs.
Data Centre Alliance (DCA): Is 2019 The Year For Smart Grid Ready UPS?
We explain why smart grid ready UPS systems have the potential to help transform the National Grid.
Electrical Contracting News (ECN): Energy Management Feature
We predict a shift in energy management and electricity generation thanks to the rising popularity of UPS battery storage.
Data Centre Management (DCM): Battery Storage & Why It’s Time To Ditch The Doubts
With many data centres sceptical about the benefits of UPS battery storage, we argue it’s time for a shift in mindset.
Data Centre Solutions (DCS) UK: Dispelling Data Centre Doubts About DSR
Is it time for data centre managers to look past the perceived risks of demand side response (DSR)?
Engineering & Technology (E&T) Magazine: Is Off Grid Electric The Future Of Power Generation?
We speak to the influential E&T magazine about whether businesses should put power generation into their own hands by embracing off grid electric and battery storage.
The Stack: Dispelling Doubts About Lithium-Ion Batteries In Data Centres
We argue that misgivings over using lithium-ion batteries in data centres are unfounded.
Electrical Review: Leading The Charge For Li-Ion UPS Batteries
With Li-Ion UPS batteries offering great potential for energy storage, we argue the potential rewards far outweigh the perceived risks.
Risk UK Magazine: Q&A With Leo Craig
In this wide-ranging interview with risk management magazine Risk UK, our General Manager Leo Craig covers UPS maintenance, energy efficiency, demand-side response and more.