With many data centres sceptical about the benefits of UPS battery storage, we argue it’s time for a shift in mindset.
Articles with KiWi power
The Stack: Dispelling Doubts About Lithium-Ion Batteries In Data Centres
We argue that misgivings over using lithium-ion batteries in data centres are unfounded.
Electrical Review: Leading The Charge For Li-Ion UPS Batteries
With Li-Ion UPS batteries offering great potential for energy storage, we argue the potential rewards far outweigh the perceived risks.
Mission Critical Power: Demand Side Response (DSR) Whitepaper
Our Leo Craig shares his expertise on the potential of UPS batteries as a source of energy storage for an influential whitepaper investigating Demand Side Response (DSR).
Building A Virtual Power Plant With KiWi Power
Riello UPS’s advanced uninterruptible power supply technology plays pivotal role in pioneering project that uses battery storage to create a ‘virtual power plant’.
Mission Critical Power: Embracing Virtual Power Plant Technology
With the UK set to lose a fifth of its energy generating capacity, are ‘virtual power plants’ that harness UPS battery power the answer?
Demand Side Response Key To UK’s Energy Future
Riello UPS is urging industry leaders to consider energy storage and demand side response to reduce pressure on the UK’s power grid.